"... Men are not mere flesh,
for flesh without spirit cannot move, laugh, drink absinthe, forgive, or consider the end of time.
Flesh without spirit (see meat) simply goes bad, simply stinks."
(Quote by Poe Ballantine in 501 Minutes to Christ: Personal Essays)

"Absinthe"--a mysterious, mind altering, addictive drink made from the wormwood plant. It is often called "The Green Fairy". It was widely used by artists and writers in the 1800's and was the subject of many paintings...
Right: "L'Absinthe" by Edgar Degas
ive had some strange ideas of my own due to this percocet. why would drugs unleash creativity? Minty once told me it doesn't...that it unleashes the inhibition of the artist and frees them to create.
guess that's why i've never needed drugs. was i born without inhibition?
I think it is quite the opposite, Melanie. One needs drugs to unleash creativity if there are inhibitions. An inhibition is something that restrains, blocks or suppresses behavior. I think you have all of the appropriate inhibitions, but I am glad you are free of the unnecessary inhibitions. I love you just the way you are...
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