Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Dream Last Night

Okay, I need some help. I think there are about 2 people who read this blog, so I'm counting on you to help me. I need a word. In my dream last night, I was surprised to find that I had a room like this in the middle of my house. The room looked exactly like K's room in Houston. In my dream, I could not think of the word for this room--it is like I can hear K say the word, but it is just on the tip of my tongue. When I asked KT what the room was called, he could not think of it either. We both spent time on the computer trying to find the word, but we both gave up. If someone will tell me the word, I will perhaps post my dream and have you help me interpret the dream. There was a red fox living in the room...
K, what in the *$@# do you call that room?


Anonymous said...

Atrium! Now I want to hear about the dream.

Julie said...

Thank Heavens! I am running out the door to take Sophie to Children's Theater this morning. We are going to see the 3 pigs. Bless, you! Bless you, K! JT

erin(DANIELLE) said...

make that 3 people who read this :)
love you!

Karmen Lewis said...

4...i read it too

Kim from Kansas said...

5. I was going to say Florida Room or something like that.