Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Looking Forward to Resurrection

Resurrection has become a "holy" word, but in Greek it simply meant "stand up." Living a "resurrection life" is just that: getting up again no matter what lays us flat.

- adapted from Robert Morris, Wrestling With Grace

I received this antique European crucifix from a dear friend, Mike, after he made a trip to Germany a couple of years ago. I want to take this opportunity to thank him again for the gift. He had 2 crucifixes for me to pick from and when I could not decide which one I wanted, he gave both of them to me. I have felt guilty ever since. I am sure that he would just tell me to "get over it", so I will try. The crucifixes have been a daily reminder of the gift of Mike & Beth's friendship.

This post comes with a prayer from deep in my heart for Beth as she recovers from her heart attack. May she find surprises in each new day--much love and much grace, too!

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