Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Part II "Concatanare"--I love my new word!

We are never too old to learn new words. My new word to describe my genogram is from a Latin word, "concatanare", which means "to link together". I look at this line of people who I love dearly and realize that most of them never met each other. The only common denominator is ME! I love them all--and I have even never met some of the people on my family ribbon.

Sophie Juliet starts out my genogram on the left side. Next to her are my great-grandparents (Jost) who died before I was born. My relationship to them is the same that my relationship will be to Sophie's children. It is so hard to believe that I know so little about them. I only met 2 of my great-uncles in that family picture.

My sister, Lena. Love the red jewel that Melanie added:
This next part of the chain is interesting.
My brother who died at age 27 (37 years ago),
My little grandson, Miles,
and my great-grandfather Priebe, the father of my dear grandmother--my father's mother. I never met my grandmother or Great-Grandpa Priebe. They were gone too soon from this life...

1 comment:

Melanie-Pearl said...

"Concatanare" is a fancy adjective that can describe most of my favorite art. I'm flattered!