It was fun to read about the meaning of colors after I drew this bird nest. These are some things about the colors of my eggs and birds in my nests:
yellow & pink: (Michele)
intellectual energy
pure, bright and sunny
energy of a bright, sunny day
active and alert mind
sharp memory and concentration skills
ability to express themselves
(Pink wings: neutralize disorder; lover of beauty)
green: (KT)
learning, growth and harmony
symbolizes money
desire to expand or increase
ability to sustain changes
(purple wings: imagination and inspiration)
red (JT)
passionate love
color of blood: symbolizes life and survival
focus on the essence of life
(turquoise wings: confidence & strength)
silver & black (Cody)
black (wings)--threatening unknown; mysterious; power, strength and depth
silver--witty; "mirror of the soul"
blue & brown (Matt)
brown (wings)--connection with the natural earth; stay in the background; stability
blue--calming; truth; new information; solitude and peace
gold & orange (Melanie)
orange (wings)--curiosity and exploration of new things; creativity; adjusts to changes
gold--has warmth that silver does not have; extravagance; bright & cheerful; valuable; favored person
Sophie: green, especially the love of nature
Lili: pink, especially the lover of beauty
Miles: yellow, especially the energy of a bright, sunny day
Chloe: turquoise (combines the light blue of the sky with the invigorating green of the seas)
"more to do with feeling and creative expression than with rational thought"
Mason: blue & orange (peace and exploration)